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salesforce remote admin services
Alok Khandelwal
Alok Khandelwal Updated on Nov 2, 2023  |  4 Min Read

Salesforce implementation is a game-changer for businesses. However, when it comes to maintaining and supporting the CRM platform, a lot of businesses face challenges. Things like managing licenses, automating tasks, running reports, and addressing complex scenarios can be quite confusing for those new to Salesforce. This is where outsourcing Salesforce admin services come into the picture. An expert Salesforce administrator can help you reap maximum benefits from your Salesforce instance.

hire on demand salesforce admin

If you are a startup, small or medium sized business, you can especially benefit from on-demand Salesforce administrators. These professionals will provide you the necessary expertise, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility you need to ensure that your Salesforce implementation is optimized to meet the requirements and goals of your business. For businesses that need quick resolutions, on-demand administrators can quickly address issues, implement solutions, and provide guidance without the delay of a full hiring process.

Also, as businesses grow, the complexity of its Salesforce implementation tends to increase. On-demand administrators can assist in scaling up the CRM system, implementing new features, addressing complex and critical scenarios and managing large data volumes. Your project-based needs such as data migration, system upgrades, or integration with third-party tools, can also be effectively met by hiring these professionals for the duration of your project.

Best Practices to Hire On-Demand Salesforce Administrators

On-demand Salesforce administrators can be particularly beneficial for businesses that need periodic Salesforce support, lack the resources for full-time hiring, or are looking to optimize their Salesforce instance without a substantial upfront investment. The responsibilities of on-demand administrators are akin to in-house ones with the additional flexibility of working on a contract basis.

However, hiring on-demand Salesforce admins can be a strategic move for your business. To ensure you get access to the right talent, you need to approach the process carefully.

Here are the best practices to follow to hire the right on-demand Salesforce administrators:

1. Clearly Define Your Needs

Indicate precisely which projects, tasks, or aspects of Salesforce administration you need help with. This will make the scope of the work clearer to both you and potential candidates.

2. Review the Necessary Skills

Determine the qualifications and skills required for the tasks you need assistance with. This may involve Salesforce certifications, data management expertise, experience with particular data modules, and more.

3. Review Experience and Portfolios

Ask potential candidates to provide examples or portfolios of their previous work. To make sure they have the necessary experience, look for relevant projects that fit your requirements.

4. Check References

Ask for references from previous customers or employers. Speaking with people who have worked with the candidate might give you useful information about their work ethic, communication abilities, and performance.

5. Communication Skills

The success of remote work depends highly on effective communication. To ensure the success of the engagement, evaluate the candidate’s capacity for effective collaboration and communication.

6. Training and Certifications

Certifications help depict a level of proficiency of the candidate and are highly valued in the industry. Make sure that your candidate is equipped with relevant Salesforce certifications.

Look for administrators with certifications such as Salesforce Certified Administrator, Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator, and specialized certifications like Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant or Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant.

7. Technical Expertise

Consider the candidate’s technical abilities concerning Salesforce administration, including data management, customisation, integration, automation, and reporting.

8. Cultural Fit

A candidate’s compatibility with your company’s values and communication style is crucial when hiring for a remote position. To create a successful partnership, make sure there is a cultural match.

9. Problem-Solving Approach

Salesforce admins frequently run upon problems that call for creative solutions. Ask them about their approach to tackling problems and their capacity for troubleshooting.

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10. Security and Confidentiality Awareness

Salesforce admins deal with private customer data. Make sure the applicant is knowledgeable about and committed to upholding data security and confidentiality.

11. Time Zone Compatibility

If your company operates in a foreign time zone, be sure the candidate’s working hours fit your requirements for prompt communication and support.

12. Channels of Communication

To ensure that the engagement goes successfully, establish clear communication channels, expectations for updates, and regular check-ins.

13. Trial Period

Before agreeing to a longer-term engagement, start with a smaller project or trial period to evaluate the candidate’s abilities and compatibility.

14. Scope of Work and Payment

To prevent confusion later, specify the scope of work, project milestones, payment schedule, and any potential additional expenditures up front.

15. Feedback and Assessment

Create a system for giving constructive criticism and periodically assessing the candidate’s performance.

16. Long-Term Vision

Discuss the candidate’s availability and willingness to give continued help if you foresee having ongoing needs for Salesforce administration.

17. Legal Considerations

If necessary, have a written agreement that specifies the terms, confidentiality, expectations, and any legal considerations.

18. Expand Your Search

To discover eligible applicants, take into account employing online resources, professional networks, or referrals from reliable sources.

19. Compare a Variety of Candidates

Don’t choose the first candidate you encounter. To identify the ideal match for your needs, compare qualifications, experience, fees, and fit.

20. Trust Your Gut Feelings

While skills and experience are important, you should also follow your gut feelings on a candidate’s professionalism, communication skills, and general attitude.

By adhering to the above-mentioned best practices, you can boost your chances of hiring an on-demand Salesforce administrator that not only has the required abilities but fits well with the goals and processes of your organization.


When you hire an on-demand Salesforce admin, you get access to the expertise and cost-effectiveness you need to ensure that the Salesforce implementation is optimized for the organization’s goals and requirements. In case you are a business that is transitioning to Salesforce from other CRM systems, you can highly benefit from the expertise of on-demand administrators who are familiar with the migration process and best practices. This ensures a smooth transition for you and your team.

When a company is unsure about the long-term need for a full-time Salesforce administrator, hiring on-demand administrators lets them gauge the value of such a role without a permanent commitment. With the remote nature of the role, you can easily tap into a global talent pool for on-demand Salesforce administrators. This allows you to get access to professionals with the right skills and experience, regardless of geographical location.

Improve Efficiency and Productivity with an On-Demand Salesforce Administrator