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on demand salesforce admin
Alok Khandelwal
Alok Khandelwal Updated on Nov 2, 2023  |  5 Min Read

Salesforce administrators handle multiple priorities at once. They are adept in all the aspects of integration on Salesforce and can complete platform-based projects with ease. This helps boost the usability and adoption of the CRM which ultimately contributes to business productivity by delivering a better ROI.

salesforce administration

Small to medium enterprises often do not have the resources to go for in-house Salesforce administration for managing their org. This is where on-demand Salesforce administrator services come to their rescue. These services are also useful for businesses that are in between hires or need someone to manage their instance while an employee is on leave.

An on-demand Salesforce admin provides their services on a freelance or contract basis to businesses that require Salesforce expertise but might not need a full-time, in-house admin. They are independent contractors who perform remote Salesforce administration tasks in accordance with the particular requirements of their customers.

Key Responsibilities of an On-Demand Salesforce Administrator

The responsibilities of an on-demand salesforce administrator are similar to those of an in-house administrator but with the added flexibility of working on a contract basis. As an independent professional, their main focus is to provide Salesforce expertise and support to clients based on their particular needs.

Here are the important responsibilities of an on-demand Salesforce administrator:

1. System Configuration and Customization

Customizing Salesforce to align with the business processes and requirements of the client. This may involve creating custom fields, objects, processes, workflows, page layouts, and process automation.

2. Data Management

Performing data imports, exports, and deduplication to ensure data accuracy and integrity. Additionally, administrators may implement data governance practices and data validation rules.

3. User Management

Establishing and maintaining user profiles, permission sets, user accounts, and security settings to guarantee proper functionality and data access for various organizational roles.

4. Maintenance and Upgrades

Keeping up with Salesforce upgrades, new releases, and features to guarantee that the system is performance-optimized. This can entail adding new features as necessary.

5. Troubleshooting and Support

Offering technical support to users within the client’s organization. This includes investigating and resolving errors, answering user queries, and identifying and fixing system bugs.

6. Reports and Dashboards

Developing and updating reports and dashboards to aid in decision-making and offering insights into the functioning of the client’s organization.

7. Integration Management

Managing and configuring integrations between Salesforce and other systems, such as accounting software, marketing automation platforms, or customer support applications.

8. Training and Documentation

Offering training to users on Salesforce updates and features, as well as creating documentation to support user understanding and adoption.

9. Security and Compliance

Putting security measures in place and keeping them up to date to secure sensitive data and guarantee compliance with data privacy laws and industry standards.

10.Best Practices of Salesforce

Applying Salesforce best practices and making sure that the client’s instance complies with required standards in order to maximize effectiveness and keep a scalable and sustainable system.

11. Process Optimization

Examining current business processes and making suggestions for enhancements to boost Salesforce productivity and effectiveness.

12. Project Management

When working on specific projects, the on-demand Salesforce admin may also be in charge of project management duties like scoping, planning, and carrying out Salesforce-related initiatives.

13. Communication and Collaboration

This includes communicating with the client and other stakeholders in a clear and consistent manner, working together well, and delivering regular updates on the status of assignments and projects.

Depending on the needs of the client and the nature of the engagement, the particular duties may change. The administrator should be flexible and capable of handling all parts of Salesforce administration for multiple clients as an on-demand professional.

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Benefits of Hiring an On-Demand Salesforce Administrator

A virtual or on-demand administrator can create brand-new custom objects and run applications. They can create and implement workflows and reports, customize forms and displays, and come up with additional ways to enhance internal business processes. On-Demand Administrators collaborate with your team on projects. Also, if you engage an on-demand admin, your business will save additional money because you only pay for the hours they are actually working for you.

Let’s look at some of the most important advantages of hiring an on-demand administrator:


When you hire an on-demand Salesforce administrator, you only have to pay for the services when you need them. This is more cost-effective compared to hiring a full-time admin with a regular pay and benefits.

Specialized Knowledge

On-demand Salesforce administrators generally have work experience with multiple organizations and projects. They acquire a wide range of skills and best practices as a result of this exposure, which can prove to be advantageous to your company.

Flexible Engagement

Depending on the demands of your company, you have the option to hire the on-demand Salesforce admin for particular projects, continuing upkeep, or brief assignments. Businesses with varying Salesforce-related requirements will find this flexibility to be very beneficial.

Reduced Onboarding Time

Freelance Salesforce administrators are generally seasoned individuals who can swiftly adapt to your organization’s operations and begin contributing right away, minimizing the onboarding time.


You can adjust the level of engagement with the on-demand Salesforce administrator as your business expands or goes through changes. This scalability enables you to adapt to changing needs without signing any long-term contracts.

Focus on Core Business Operations

By outsourcing Salesforce administration, you can free up your internal team to concentrate on your company’s core operations while leaving Salesforce management to qualified professionals.

Decreased HR Overhead

HR-related processes and costs are involved in the hiring and management of a full-time employee. You can avoid these overheads and administrative duties by using an on-demand administrator.

Access to a Wide Network

On-demand or freelance Salesforce administrators often have their own networks of experts and consultants. They can use their connections to identify suitable solutions if further assistance or knowledge is needed.

Objective Viewpoint

The processes of your organization can receive a fresh and objective perspective with the help of an external Salesforce administrator. The admin will help recommend best practices and identify areas of improvement.

Flexibility in Time Zones

Depending on the location of the remote administrator, you can receive the advantage of time-zone flexibility. This will allow support or certain tasks to be available during non-business hours. Remote Salesforce administrators offer various benefits that make them a reliable choice for businesses of all types and sizes.

Contractual Flexibility

On-demand Salesforce administrators generally work under particular contracts. These contracts can be customized to your requirements and easily terminated or extended as and when needed.

Bottom Line

Your on-demand Salesforce administrator should have the knowledge, credentials, and expertise necessary to satisfy your company’s needs. It is important to carefully assess the professionals and make a well-informed choice by looking at their references, portfolios, and previous client experiences. To build a successful working partnership, take into account having clear communication channels and expectations.

Unlock Growth With an on-Demand Salesforce Administrator