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Client Profile

The client is a renowned manufacturer of food processing equipment including sterilizers, washing systems, pressure vessels, sorting conveyors, slicing machines, extruders, and emulsifiers. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, the client caters to customers in over 15 states across the USA and employs more than 15,000 people.

The Challenge

The client wanted to replace their disparate ERP systems with a flexible, global ERP solution that would bring together their business functions for finance, manufacturing, and supply chain. Their legacy systems with limited functionality and reporting capabilities made cross-departmental collaboration difficult and introduced inaccuracies in operations. Implementing a unified, robust ERP system would integrate all departments into one platform and provide complete visibility into operations.

Additionally, the client needed to optimize their inventory management as overstocking or understocking of products often affected their workflows as well as their bottom line.


Lack of collaboration among different departments, leading to duplication of efforts and errors

Poor operational efficiency due to limited functionality of existing ERP systems

Limited visibility and control over business operations

Inefficient inventory management, resulting in overstocking or understocking of products

The Solution

Implementation of a cloud-based ERP system-Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations-to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and real-time access to information

Requirement Assessment

Damco collaborated with the client to conduct a detailed requirement assessment and understood various business processes through regular conversations with key stakeholders.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation

We also studied various legacy systems handling different functionalities and recommended a cloud-based ERP: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Centralized Database for Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Dynamics 365 enabled all departments across the organization to work in sync through a centralized database that streamlined business processes and activities. Also, the solution had a look and feel similar to other Microsoft products, providing users with a familiar interface.

Integration With BI Platform

The new ERP system was integrated with the client’s existing business intelligence (BI) platform to enhance their decision-making capabilities.

Value Delivered

Higher operational efficiency, improved cash flow, and enhanced business agility.

  • Dynamics 365 ERP helped the client boost operational efficiency through seamless collaboration across all departments.
  • Improved visibility into business operations and costs enabled better resource management and reduced errors.
  • Thanks to real-time inventory tracking and forecasting, the client was able to optimize their stock levels and improve cash flow.
  • Real-time insights into inventory, sales, and finance helped the company respond promptly to changing market conditions and stay competitive in a dynamic industry.
  • Built-in automation capabilities helped the client keep their balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement updated at all times.
Value Delivered - Manufacturing Company

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