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The Client

The client is one of the leading lawn care companies in the world. They serve more than 3.4 million residential and commercial customers across the UK and the USA.

The Problem

The client wanted to relaunch their intranet as their existing portal was unable to fulfill their business requirements effectively. The information present on the portal was out-of-date, incomplete, or inaccurate. No wonder, only a small fraction of the workforce (less than 10%) actively used the intranet. Employees spent precious hours searching files across various locations; this hampered their productivity.

As its different sections were managed by different groups, the intranet portal was very inconsistent in look and feel. Content reviews and other editorial processes were also limited or non-existent. In such a scenario, the client recognized the need for a centralized portal where all information related to the company and employees could be accessed in one place. The solution had to be intuitive enough to encourage employee adoption.


Low intranet adoption rates among the workforce

The portal had obsolete, inadequate, or incorrect information

Inconsistent look and feel of the intranet portal

Low employee productivity as the portal didn’t offer easy access to critical resources

The Solution

Damco’s SharePoint experts collaborated with key stakeholders to understand their pain points and establish a roadmap for modernizing the intranet. A comprehensive assessment of the current portal was carried out to analyze usability and accessibility. Usage statistics were examined to identify key areas for improvement, unused information, and overall user behavior. Issues related to information architecture were also studied.

Damco, accordingly, developed a comprehensive SharePoint intranet portal to cater to the needs of employees and enhance their day-to-day work experience. An intuitive, user-friendly design and layout were created in tune with the latest design standards. SharePoint 2013 was used as the CMS to create Master Pages and Page Layouts. Here are the key features of the solution:

Ease of Use

To improve ease of use, a host of user-friendly modules including advanced search functionality and a navigation bar were incorporated.

Knowledge Repository

A centralized repository with easy access to important resources such as employee directory, employee benefits, company policies, careers, and attendance management was created.

Employee Training

To facilitate the training of new and existing employees, a dedicated section providing access to various training resources was included.

Corporate Communication

Seamless communication with the workforce was enabled through sharing of company newsletters, announcements, and publications on the portal.

Unified Interface

Damco integrated APIs to allow employees to access all enterprise applications through a unified interface, saving them significant time and effort.

Company-Centric Branding

Branding elements were added to the home page, employee directory, and news feed to reinforce brand loyalty and company identity.

Editing Capabilities

Several configuration, style, and design changes were made to the home page to enable employees to contribute and edit content easily.

Value Delivered

Streamlined information access, improved internal communication, and a bolstered sense of community

  • The revamped portal made it easier for employees to navigate company information and access essential documents on the go, encouraging higher adoption rates.
  • Improved communication among teams supercharged employee productivity.
  • Integration with other applications helped their workforce save valuable hours every day and focus on mission-critical tasks.
  • Seamless collaboration fostered a strong sense of community among employees dispersed across different geographies.
Value Delivered - Lawn Care Company

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