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Devansh Bansal
Devansh Bansal Posted on Apr 9, 2024   |  4 Min Read

The journey to digital transformation is no longer a matter of choice in today’s digital-first landscape, in fact, it’s a strategic imperative to unleash innovation, drive growth, and gain a competitive advantage. However, as businesses navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the need for integrating traditional on-premises infrastructure (IBM i platform) with hybrid cloud architectures becomes increasingly critical for IBM i clients seeking to leverage the agility and scalability of the cloud. Now, let’s dive deep into the best practices pivotal for positioning IBM i clients at the forefront of hybrid cloud excellence.

Hybrid Cloud Guidelines for IBM i Clients

Key Considerations for Propelling IBM i Clients to Hybrid Cloud Success

1. Assess Workloads

Assessing workloads entails a comprehensive evaluation of existing IBM i applications, workloads, and databases to understand their resource requirements, dependencies, and performance metrics. This helps in determining the readiness of each workload for hybrid cloud deployment. Prioritizing workloads for cloud migration begins with identifying and categorizing workloads based on factors such as criticality, complexity, and resource utilization. In other words, IBM i clients can prioritize workloads by evaluating their feasibility for cloud adoption and their potential impact on business operations.

By conducting a comprehensive assessment, IBM i clients can make informed decisions about which mission-critical applications or workloads to migrate first, which deployment models to choose (rehosting, refactoring, or re-platforming), and how to optimize IBM i applications, workloads, and databases for compatibility with cloud environments. In a nutshell, assessing workloads lays the foundation for successful hybrid cloud adoption, while minimizing disruption to business operations.

Reviving Legacy AS400/IBM i Applications with Cloud Migration

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2. Select the Right Cloud Model

Selecting the right model is pivotal for migrating IBM i applications and workloads to the cloud. Each cloud model has its strengths and weaknesses, whether it’s a public, private, or hybrid cloud. For instance, a public cloud offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency through a pay-as-you-go model but may raise concerns pertaining to vendor lock-in, regulatory compliance, and data security. A private cloud offers better customization and unbreachable data security but requires high upfront costs and maintenance. A hybrid cloud combines the strengths of both cloud models, enabling IBM i clients to optimize costs, allocate resources based on workload demands, and maintain data sovereignty while embracing cloud-native capabilities.

When choosing the cloud model, IBM i clients need to consider factors, such as data sovereignty, budget constraints, workload requirements, and regulatory compliance. By aligning the cloud model with IT infrastructure needs and business objectives, IBM i clients can not only harness the benefits of hybrid cloud adoption but also strike a balance between performance, security, and cost-effectiveness.

3. Optimize for the Cloud

Optimizing for the cloud involves preparing IBM i systems for integration with hybrid cloud environments. This practice may involve refactoring monolithic applications into microservices to adhere to cloud-native architectures, updating software versions to ensure compatibility with hybrid cloud platforms, or rearchitecting applications for serverless computing. Furthermore, optimizing for the cloud entails addressing dependencies, such as legacy systems or external integrations, that may impact cloud migration endeavors. By modernizing IBM i applications or workloads for the cloud, IBM i clients can overcome compatibility challenges, minimize disruptions, and maximize the benefits of hybrid cloud adoption.

4. Ensure Security and Compliance

Implementing robust security measures can safeguard critical business data and applications while adhering to industry regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS. This practice encompasses several aspects, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and establishing access controls to prevent unauthorized access, mitigate risks, and respond to security threats promptly. By prioritizing security and compliance, IBM i clients can not only safeguard against potential security breaches but also instill confidence among customers and stakeholders, contributing to the success of hybrid cloud initiatives.

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5. Enable Disaster Recovery

Implementing robust disaster recovery strategies can help IBM i clients ensure business continuity and data integrity in unforeseen events. This practice entails several measures, including failover mechanisms, data replication, and backup strategies tailored to hybrid cloud environments.

Automated failover mechanisms enable a smooth transition to hybrid cloud instances, ensuring uninterrupted access to IBM i solutions. By replicating data and applications across distributed locations, IBM i clients can minimize downtime and mitigate the risk of potential disruptions. Furthermore, regular backup of data further enhances business resilience, enabling quick restoration of services in the event of data loss or corruption. By prioritizing disaster recovery, IBM i clients can strengthen their position in the realm of hybrid cloud excellence.

6. Embrace DevOps Practices

DevOps, a popular cultural and organizational approach that emphasizes promoting collaboration between development and operations teams, which in turn, leads to faster and more efficient delivery of software updates and enhancements in hybrid cloud environments. By embracing DevOps CI/CD principles, IBM i clients can iterate rapidly, implement feedback, and drive continuous improvement. In short, IBM i clients can adopt DevOps principles and practices to improve their agility, accelerate time to market, and maximize the return on hybrid cloud environments, thereby maintaining a competitive advantage.

Summing Up

As IBMI i clients increasingly realize the limitless potential of hybrid cloud environments, they are embarking on a transformative journey of cloud migration to future-proof the IBM i platform, while preserving the reliability and stability of IBM i systems. By following the best practices discussed above, IBM i clients can navigate the challenges that lie on the path of hybrid cloud adoption with confidence and conviction.

Conquer the Hybrid Cloud Frontier with IBM i