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Tech Talk
Tech Talk Posted on Feb 6, 2017   |  2 Min Read

Digital transformation is changing the dynamics of customer experience from prospecting to post-sales. The current technology trends— social networks, analytics, mobile computing, and cloud computing—are transformative and creating major implications for customer services. Nowadays, customers are well-aware of what and how they want to buy. Also, the competition today is immense and new competitors are flooding the market, exerting intense pressure on almost every industry.

Multi-channel Customer Acquisition Strategy 

In today’s battle for customers, customer acquisition strategy should begin with a clear and effective vision with customers’ needs in mind. Businesses need to craft a clear picture of the value they want to create for the customers and how they want to fulfill that need with delivery and service— while illustrating a well-researched business case that lays out the case of the expected returns. Once crafted, it is imperative to use the multi-channel acquisition strategy using a mix of web, social, and mobile channels.

Customer Engagement with Social Platforms

Digitalization has provided various ways for customer engagement. For instance, in the past a poor customer service may have led to a customer complaining to a few friends and family. Whereas today, a post or a tweet of bad experience shared on social media can reach millions of potential customers instantly, tarnishing the company’s image in minutes. However, this digital amplification works the other way around too. Good reviews from happy customers can boost a company’s reputation for good service. This kind of marketing delivers a much more powerful message than any ad campaign. There are many other ways of customer engagement in the era of digitally connected customers using social communities, blogs, mobile apps, market places etc. providing ample opportunities for businesses to keep customers engaged.

Retention and Loyalty

In today’s battle for customers, service team holds a powerful and strategic position. The service team needs to communicate with customers and create success stories that can lead to better brand perception, better online reputation, and eventually improve sales conversion rates. Strategic customer experience delivery from front-end teams and effective collaboration would drive customer retention and loyalty.

The idea is to focus not only on what is working today but also on what the world might look like a few years from now. This would help in identifying the changes in consumer pattern, any threats to the business model and emerging technology that might become big in future. Digital transformation involves mobilizing various parts of your organization so that it is ready to support its vision and make it a reality. This involves having a reliable digital transformation partner who can work with you in developing and implementing a detailed implementation roadmap working with your entire organization from marketing to product development to IT and customer service.

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