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PHP Web Development Trends
Devansh Bansal
Devansh Bansal Updated on Jun 14, 2024  |  5 Min Read

As organizations worldwide grapple with the need to drive innovation, deliver exceptional web experiences, and meet the changing demands of the modern digital landscape, staying abreast with the latest web development trends becomes imperative. One solution that C-suite needs to shift their attention to is PHP, since it is a mature and widely adopted general-purpose scripting language that has brought a paradigm shift in the realm of web development. Despite continuous technological advancements, this server-side scripting language remains a steadfast choice for building interactive and scalable websites, web applications, desktop (GUI) applications, customer relationship management systems, ecommerce stores, and more.

Latest PHP Trends

What’s more interesting is that PHP powers 76.2% of all the websites with a known server-side programming language, and 54.7% of all the websites are using PHP version 7, according to the W3Tech report. This indicates that PHP is dominating other scripting languages for web development.

However, the developer community is divided and there is a mixed opinion on PHP’s individuality. While some consider it as an adaptable and mature scripting language for developing dynamic websites, applications, and various web-based solutions, others see it as a clunky, mediocre, and outdated. Nevertheless, PHP has seen tremendous improvements since the release of version 7.0, and it is not going toe-to-toe with other general-purpose scripting languages. Now, let’s dive deep into the latest PHP development trends.

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Latest PHP Web Development Trends to Watch Out For

1. PHP and Cloud Integration

Leading players in the industry are providing reliable cloud-ready infrastructure and services like continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automated testing, and more for faster development and deployment. PHP integration with the cloud can be a game-changer in the web development realm. By integrating this server-side scripting language with the cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc., businesses can leverage the potential of both technologies and build scalable, secure, and flexible web development solutions at reduced costs.

For instance, cloud deployment can be used to spin up new servers quickly to handle unexpected traffic spikes. This ensures a seamless user experience even during peak demand periods.

2. PHP and IoT Integration

As the interconnected network of physical devices collecting and sharing data, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology is poised to transform businesses across verticals. In fact, many industries are already using IoT for optimal asset utilization and tracking, improving customer experience, reducing costs, increasing visibility across siloed business functions, and gaining real-time insights for informed decision-making. This disruptive technology is growing at a rapid pace, and it is estimated that market size of IoT will grow from 595.73 billion USD in 2023 to 4062.34 billion USD by 2032, at a healthy CAGR of 24.3% during the forecasted period. IoT and PHP work in tandem to unlock a new world of possibilities to interact and connect with the digital world. Though PHP and IoT Integration is still at its nascent stage, this emerging trend will pick a strong momentum soon. Businesses can employ popular PHP frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, and Symfony to meet their IoT solution requirements.

Imagine a scenario where PHP is used to develop a system that monitors and manages energy consumption in buildings. This data can then be used to optimize energy usage and reduce costs.

3. PHP and Smart Chatbots

Customer service is an integral part of businesses, large and small alike, across industry verticals. Traditional means of customer support such as in-store visits or phone calls are becoming obsolete owing to their time-intensive nature. This is where the role of smart chatbots comes in. Customers can interact with smart chatbots in the same manner they communicate with humans to get general guidance and information, resolve queries or technical challenges, and receive documents. This may be the reason behind the rising popularity of chatbots in the past few years. According to a survey, 62% of customers would use an online chatbot to see if it can help them out instead of waiting for a customer service rep to take their call. On the other hand, about 3 in 4 companies that introduced chatbots are satisfied with the results.

Smart chatbot development is the latest PHP trend that businesses are capitalizing on. PHP’s open-source nature makes it an ideal choice for developing the best ‘conversation agents.’ By leveraging modern PHP frameworks and tools, companies can build future-proof intelligent chatbots to stay connected with customers even after business hours and resolve their queries quickly and conveniently.

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4. PHP and Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization is one of the popular PHP development trends gaining strong momentum. Voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistants have made it easier for people to find information, make purchases, and complete tasks using voice search. According to Statista, the number of digital voice assistants will reach 8.4 billion units by the end of 2024 – a number even higher than the world’s population. The reason behind the rise of voice search is that it is 3x faster than typing, making it more logical. Realizing the growing demand for voice search, PHP developers have started implementing speech functionality when developing websites, applications, and other web-based solutions.

5. PHP and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern in the digital world. Creating secure websites and applications is a must, especially when shoppers today prefer online modes rather than strolling through the market streets. Thus, the latest PHP trends lay special emphasis on robust security best practices and the use of frameworks with built-in security features.

Google Wallet, PayPal, and Amazon Pay are some popular mobile wallets used by people. So, if you have an application/website based on mobile ecommerce, you must consider integrating a payment gateway for your online users. You can select an appropriate PHP framework, like Phalcon, which is a well-documented framework for caching, asset management, and security in PHP. Or else, you can use Codeigniter, a lightweight PHP framework, to provide your website with the best encryption capabilities. Alternatively, you can hire PHP developers to integrate payment gateways while ensuring data security.

6. PHP and Serverless Functions

Serverless architecture has emerged as a game-changer in web development. This approach eliminates the need to manage server infrastructure, allowing developers to focus solely on building applications. With serverless functions in PHP, businesses can create highly scalable and cost-effective applications that respond instantly to user requests. This translates to faster development cycles and reduces operational costs. Also, serverless architecture automatically scales resources based on traffic, ensuring optimal performance.

7. PHP and Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that offer app-like functionality with the flexibility of the web. Using PHP frameworks like Laravel or Symfony, developers can create PWAs that provide an exceptional user experience regardless of device or network connectivity. By opting for PWAs, businesses can be assured that their web applications are accessible and engaging for all users. This translates to wider reach, increased user adoption, and ultimately, improved business outcomes. You can leverage the help of a professional PHP development company to build high-quality PWAs with features like offline functionality, push notifications, and fast loading times.

Summing Up

PHP has become the go-to programming language for building dynamic and interactive web solutions that cater to ever-evolving business needs. Staying abreast with the latest PHP trends is important for CXOs to make the best use of this innovative language and create robust websites and applications. Businesses can leverage the latest PHP web development trends to enhance user experiences, drive innovation, unlock new opportunities for growth and success, and ignite transformation with their digital initiatives to stay at the forefront.

Now that you have got your hands-on the top PHP development trends, it is time to put them into practice and expand business paradigms.

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