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Leveraging Angular for Single-Page Applications
Tech Talk
Tech Talk Updated on Apr 12, 2024  |  6 Min Read

Angular is a TypeScript framework that has claimed a big share among preferred frontend technologies. One of the most utilized web technologies, HTML, was not intended for dynamic views. Angular circumvented this issue by letting developers extend HTML vocabulary for application development. As they say, “Angular is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for applications.” Though there are newer versions of the Angular framework available, the development team decides on the version depending on the project scope. By taking a deep dive into this informative piece, development teams can understand the technical strengths of Angular for SPA development, key functionalities, and emerging trends to embrace.

Single Page Application with Angular

Benefits of Leveraging Angular for Single Page Application Development

The most popular usage of Angular has been in the development of Single Page Applications (SPA). An SPA is a website or a web app that makes user interaction more convenient by rewriting the current page rather than loading entire new pages from a server. When you build single page applications using Angular, it will appear more like a standard desktop app because of the dynamic communication with the webserver.

Since SPAs offer better user experience and are mobile-friendly, app consultants recommend them for diverse uses. Enlisted below are the benefits you realize when you go for the development of single page web application using Angular:

1. Mobile Support

  • Angular, the modern iteration of the Angular framework, provides superior mobile support for single page applications compared to its predecessor, AngularJS.
  • Firstly, Angular offers improved performance optimization techniques, including Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, which reduces bundle size and enhances load times. This is crucial for running SPAs on mobile systems with limited resources and bandwidth.
  • Secondly, Angular’s modular design facilitates the development of responsive and mobile-friendly UI components. The framework incorporates tools like Angular Material and Flex Layout, enabling developers to create adaptive layouts and responsive designs effortlessly.
  • Additionally, Angular’s dependency injection system and built-in support for observables simplify data management and asynchronous operations. This helps in handling mobile network fluctuations in SPAs and delivering smooth connectivity across platforms.

2. Faster Development Cycle

Two-way data binding and subsequent saving data to the server require less effort while coding in Angular. For example, in jQuery, the same task would require you to create an object and employ click and event handlers, but in Angular, you can achieve the task with a few lines of code. Instead of writing a lengthy MV pipeline, developers would use HTML to develop the same view with just a few attributes added to HTML code. That is why teams investing in Angular for enterprise application development can wrap up more sprints in a given time as compared to teams working on coding-heavy frameworks.

3. Seamless Data Management System

Since Angular applications are implemented through RESTful APIs, there is no restriction to the data management system and users have seamless access to the underlying database. Angular applications can be used to replace existing front-end code, more quickly and easily if the app uses a framework like Django. That is why companies are keen to hire Angular developers for upgrading websites into Angular SPAs.

4. Maintains Access Restrictions

For apps that have levels of data access restrictions, Angular can easily utilize existing security protocols so that the status quo of access is maintained. An authentication service can be easily created to facilitate communication between the app and the database to get the login status and complete login.

5. Angular Ensures High Security

Angular $http module offers CSRF protection and developers can implement third-party security libraries such as OAuth. Together with stringent access restrictions, the high-security feature of Angular has made it a primary choice for enterprise application development.

6. Easier Testing and Debugging

Testing the SPA for load and performance is critical and Angular prevents it from being a tedious exercise. An Angular development company will uphold the streamlined testing environment offered by Angular. Karma, an Angular team product, and Jasmine, another recommended testing framework, are two convenient test runners that are popular among QA analysts due to sheer simplicity. Angular SPA testing can also be automated using Selenium or Protractor.

7. Popular Frameworks for WebApps

Due to the availability of several popular open-source Angular frameworks, developers can accomplish accelerated SDLC. QuantumUI, PrimeNG, Lumx, and SuaveUI are some of the UI frameworks that allow extensive customization and building tailored UI components for a Single Page Application in Angular.

8. Long-Term Maintainability

Angular is maintained by Google. The development team along with a thriving online community ensures that the current version is stable, and patches/bug-fixes are executed timely. Moreover, it is easier to find an Angular web development company because of the framework’s massive popularity and a decade-long successful performance.

9. Easier Collaboration

Since many developers have experience with object-oriented MVC development for the server side, it is easier to adopt Angular. Besides, sharing the components created with Angular is seamless, thanks to dependency injections. It is because of this reason that several projects facilitate Angular directive bridge libraries for employing an Angular directive to use the code for new functionality.

Key Considerations to Consider for Driving User Experience

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Exploring Future Trends in Angular SPA Development

I. Serverless Architectures

Serverless computing in web app development is expected to gain significant traction due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of deployment. This paradigm shift in application architecture eliminates the need for developers to manage infrastructure, allowing them to focus solely on writing code. With Angular, serverless architectures complement the framework’s ability to build dynamic and responsive SPAs.

One of the key advantages of leveraging serverless architectures while developing a Single Page Application with Angular is the seamless integration with Cloud services. Platforms like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions enable developers to execute backend logic without provisioning or managing servers. This approach enhances scalability, as resources are automatically scaled based on demand, ensuring optimal performance during peak usage periods.

Additionally, serverless architectures promote faster time-to-market, as developers can rapidly iterate and deploy updates without worrying about infrastructure maintenance. This agility is particularly beneficial in the context of Angular SPAs, where real-time updates and enhancements are essential to delivering a superior user experience.

II. Micro Frontends

Micro Frontends extend the principles of microservices to the frontend layer, allowing teams to independently develop, deploy, and scale individual components of an application. This modular approach to front-end development aligns well with Angular’s component-based architecture, enabling teams to build SPAs with greater flexibility and maintainability.

By breaking down large monolithic Angular applications into smaller, self-contained units, developers can minimize dependencies and streamline the development process. Each micro frontend can be developed using Angular or other frontend frameworks, depending on the specific requirements of the component. This flexibility empowers teams to choose the most suitable technology stack for each micro frontend, optimizing performance and productivity. Moreover, micro frontends facilitate continuous delivery and integration, as updates to individual components can be deployed independently without disrupting the entire application. This granularity enables teams to innovate rapidly and respond to changing user needs more effectively, enhancing the overall agility and resilience of Angular SPAs.

III. WebAssembly (Wasm)

To facilitate language-agnostic code execution in web browsers, using WebAssembly instruction formation is the right choice. By compiling languages to a binary format that can run natively in the browser, WebAssembly unlocks new possibilities for building complex applications.

In the context of Angular web app development, WebAssembly can be utilized to offload computationally intensive tasks to the client-side, improving responsiveness and user experience. Whether it’s rendering 3D graphics, processing large datasets, or executing complex algorithms, WebAssembly empowers developers to harness the full potential of modern web browsers without sacrificing performance.

Furthermore, WebAssembly fosters interoperability between different programming languages, allowing developers to leverage existing libraries and frameworks within their Angular applications. This interoperability expands the developer ecosystem, enabling collaboration across diverse communities and accelerating innovation in front-end development.

Key Takeaway

Single page application development using Angular is gaining traction in the experience-driven era. Faster development, testing, and higher security are additional aspects that are drawing in more small and large-scale enterprises. However, when enterprises don’t have an in-house development team to build SPAs apps from scratch, hiring dedicated Angular developers is worthwhile. With a comprehensive knowledge of Angular libraries and development methodologies, these developers can build SPAs with smooth navigation, prevent potential attacks, and deliver the experience that end-users demand.

Build High-quality SPAs with Angular